Selected Teas of the Rize Region

SAKAOĞLU TEA is produced from fresh tea sprouts collected from the distinguished tea gardens of the Rize Region and presented to your liking.

Rize tea, which is an indispensable part of daily life, has an important place in Turkish folk culture. There is an important difference that distinguishes Rize tea from other teas in the world.

Except for the Eastern Black Sea, almost no region in the world does not snow on tea gardens. This thin snow cover falling on Rize tea destroys all kinds of harmful pests and factors that may occur on the plant, while making Rize tea more quality and delicious.

  • Rize tea has a relaxing effect on the human body.
  • Consuming 1-2 glasses a day prevents atherosclerosis, fatigue and depression.
  • It has effects on regulating the digestive system, reducing the risk of heart attack and preventing calcification.
  • It plays a helpful role in reducing the risk of cancer and preventing the formation of cancer-causing cells.
  • Rize tea is also effective against bacteria that cause tooth decay, gum and mouth diseases.
  • Tea, which belongs to the class of medicinal plants; It is also used for cleaning wounds, removing foot odor and eliminating bacteria in the throat.
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